It’s important to protect your home and your family with the right alarm system. While you might think you live in a safe, secure neighborhood, that doesn’t matter to potential criminals. These criminals are looking for easy targets, and that means if you don’t have the right system, you’ll become the perfect victim for a crime.
According to research based on past criminals, 9 out of 10 burglars will skip a home that has a security system. Since so few homes are protected with a security system, why would a criminal waste effort on a challenge like that when there’s likely an unarmed home nearby? If you’re ready to find an alarm system, here are some practical tips about choosing the right one for you.
System Types
Many people don’t realize that there are different types of alarm systems. While they all work in the same way by contacting the authorities in case of an incident, they don’t all connect through the same means. Here are the 3 most common types and which is the best in this day and age.
Landline – With a landline-connected alarm system, your phone line is used to communicate with the alarm center. This used to be the most common system, but it’s falling out of practice today as fewer people have landlines in their home. Landlines also are prone to error since the connection can easily be cut by intruders.
Broadband – Broadband systems are more common today. They’re safer and faster than a landline, and they’re also less expensive than cellular connections. With a broadband connection, your alarm will be connected to your internet to notify the alarm center of an emergency.
Cellular – Finally, cellular monitoring is the most secure and modern choice. This means the alarm system uses a cellular connection to communicate with the alarm center. The connection itself is more reliable, and it’s hard to tamper with. It’s also the most simple option to install on your own, though it might be more expensive.
Technology Integrations
Next, you need to think about what types of technology integrations make the most sense for your living situation. Today, modern alarm systems configure with your devices. These features might make you feel safer, but they could also get in the way if you don’t actually end up needing them. Here are a few of the most common to ask your alarm representative about.
Smartphone – Most modern alarms will come with a smartphone or online integration so you can keep an eye on your home while on the go.
Cameras – Having a camera integrated with your alarm system can help you track a potential intruder or catch a burglar in action. These can be installed both inside and outside
Smart Devices – Finally, Amazon Alexa, Nest, and other applications can often be configured with your alarm system for easy use inside the house.
Home Security Tips
Now that you understand the different types of alarm systems, you need to keep your family safe with the best security tips. Even if you think your neighborhood is safe, it’s always best to be extra cautious just in case.
Lock Your Door – Though it sounds simple, most criminals break in through unlocked doors and windows. Don’t forget about your back door, side entrances, and garage.
Hide Your Valuables – Ensure your valuables aren’t in plain sight. This also means disposing of trash carefully so no criminals catch a glimpse of that big new TV box or anything else that makes you look like a target.
Lighting – Invest in outdoor lighting so there are no hidden areas of your yard. Motion-sensor lighting is a great way to deter people from getting too close to your home. You want to have clear visibility in your yard no matter the time of day or night.
Know Your Security Needs
The most important part of choosing a security system is knowing the type of coverage you need. Today, many people are going beyond the standard alarm with cameras, smart integrations, and smartphone apps. From understanding a list of Honeywell system codes to simply needing to call an expert, you need to know what’s best for your home.
Most importantly, do your due diligence. You want to ensure you’re working with a licensed security provider as well as a reputable technology. Finding the right alarm system will afford you major peace of mind, but make sure you’re on the right track with your system.
By: Ashley Lipman